Empty Arms Bereavement

Suggested Reading

Curling up with a book can sometimes be what we need in times of grief. A book is a resource we can return to again, and again. Unlike browsing the internet with general search terms, a book can allow us concrete access to something known. 

Luckily for us, a number of people have already created really great recommended reading lists, so we'll redirect you to them.

First, we recommend the booklist at Glow In The Woods. Glow is a great online resource for high quality writing, and if you're looking for a booklist, this one is second to none. 

Second, Jennifer Pardini has written beautifully herself about loss, and she has an extensive list here. You'll see that her list begins with books, but then goes on to provide links to specific articles about specific topics, which can also be really helpful and better than generally searching around in cyberspace. 

Many thanks to these great websites who have done our work for us. If you don't want to look any further than this page, here are some books that folks from Empty Arms have suggested: 

We hope you'll find some reading materials that work for you.